Today we added a new article in our MobiDB Database Designer KB describing the process of shortcuts creation. Shortcuts is a very useful tool that provides immediate access to the necessary database, table or record. You can even set up a shortcut to immediately add a new entry to the required table.
Just for example, you have a very complicated database with more than 30 tables and you don’t want to wait while the app starts and don’t want to look for a necessary database (there can be quite a lot of them) and look through all the tables in this database just to add a single entry. Shorthcuts will help you start the app exactly in that app area that you really need and start working in it immediately.
Read how it’s easy to set up database and table shortcuts in MobiDB Database Designer:
How to: MobiDB Database Designer – creating shortcuts
Ekaterina Nebogina
July 7th, 2016
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